Several different triggers for vitiligo

Date:2023-12-17 Hit:393

   First, sun exposure is one of the triggers of vitiligo

   Vitiligo symptoms are generally no feeling, a few cases before the onset or at the same time, as well as the development and spread of white spots occasional local itch. Vitiligo symptoms can also occur after exposure to sunlight, especially light-colored skin patients are prone to flushing, pain, itching, and even blistering, some patients even cloudy day in the outdoor short time exposure will also occur the above symptoms. In the progressive stage of the damage gradually expanding more and more, the border is fuzzy, depigmented patches can often be seen.

   Second, the stimulation of topical drugs and mechanical friction is also vitiligo symptoms aggravation of one of the key factors

   Some of the symptoms of vitiligo are due to the strong stimulation of the drug, such as the use of local redness and swelling, or even blisters, and the expansion of the white spots. Many cases may also develop white patches at the normal skin that suffers from mechanical stimulation, pressure, scratching, abrasion (such as tight clothes, too tight bra, pants belt, etc.), or the phenomenon of isomorphic reaction that makes the original white patches expand. Other forms of localized stimuli, such as burns, sunburns, radiation, frostbite, infections, etc., can also react and generalize throughout the body.


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