The effect for vitiligo on head

Date:2021-10-28 Hit:1231

    Yan Shuxing, a retired teacher with 16 years of medical history. In 2004,
vitiligo appeared on the crotch. Due to the belief that the prescription and the private use of the medicine, the vitiligo spread rapidly and later developed to the elbows, hands, shoulders, and head.

He has been treated in many places and has not been cured. In 2016, he found the book "New Theory on Vitiligo" compiled by President Cheng Aihua in Xinhua Bookstore, and he came to our hospital. After an expert diagnosis, a personalized treatment plan was developed for him, and the vitiligo on his forehead and head was completely recovered in less than a course of treatment. When he was discharged from the hospital, he repeatedly emphasized that in the future, you should never trust the folk remedies anymore. For treatment, you can find a professional vitiligo hospital like Huahai.

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